Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More pictures from Valladolid

Hi everyone!!!

I recently received some more pictures from when I traveled around the pueblos in Valladolid with one of my student's families. I'm actually in these along with one of my wonderful students from 1ESO, Elisa.
One of the beautiful cathedrals with Romanic and Arabic architecture.
Me taking a picture of the tower of the castle in Torrelobaton.
Me with Elisa on top of Torrelobaton. It has such a beautiful view, even when it is foggy.

I'm still enjoying being in Spain, although these past few weeks have been a little rough, but it is getting better. I'm still enjoying teaching very much. Actually, I think more so because all my students have been behaving so well for me. I've developed relationships with more of my students and have received more respect from them which is easier when teaching them. :D

Today (Wednesday) a group of Dutch students came from Holland to spend a week with the 4ESO students to practice their Spanish. The Dutch students will attend classes and go on different excursions with the Spanish students.

Then in April (14th-21st) the 4ESO students with Alicia (the 4ESO teacher I work with), Miryam (the History teacher) and I will be joining the 4ESO students in Holland for the entire week!!! They invited me to go with them (I have to pay only for my hotel, everything else is paid for). We will be in a small town south of Rotterdam and I'm very excited to be able to go back to Holland and see a new part of it.

This weekend, Sun. the 14th, I am going to go to a football game in Valladolid with the two Wisconsin girls that are living with us. Real Valladolid is playing against Real Madrid....can you guess who I'm rooting for?

Enjoy your week!
Un beso, Celeste


Lizzy said...

Why were the past few weeks rough? I'm glad you're still enjoying yourself...
Keep the updates coming!
p.s- it's so much nicer to teach students who RESPECT you!

Celeste said...

The past weeks had been rough because I started to feel very much alone here....I don't know, maybe that's what happens when you live in another culture. Everything is better now though. :) Yes, R-E-S-P-E-C-T is all I ask for!!!