Saturday, December 12, 2009

Turkey Day and Madrid

Okay, this is long overdue. I'm sorry for the delay, but I guess I just got caught up with working and just being here in Spain. I know you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner and just to share with you a little, I did too.

Alicia, one of my coworkers and the one that I enjoy talking to the most, decided we should all get together and have a Turkey Day dinner. So each teacher/assistant made a dish to bring to dinner. We ended up having a ton of food, but it was delicious. Our dinner was a fusion of Irish/American/Spanish food. Because we had so much to eat, we decided to have a part 2 Thanksgiving dinner the next night. It was really fun and enjoyable to be with all the other teachers outside of the school.
Everyone enjoying their meal.
Most of the teachers around the dinner table: Me, Miriam, Teresa, Cristina, Amy, and Alicia.
Alicia preparing one of the dishes.

The weekend before, I went to Madrid with Amy for the day to enjoy some "American" niceties. We first looked around the main plazas because Amy had never been to Madrid before. As we did this, we passed a Starbucks and we HAD to stop and get a drink. It was so nice to have something from home (although I do kick myself for supporting such a large corporation). After we got a drink there, we passed through Plaza Espana (my favorite place in Madrid) and there we found a great flea market where I purchased a few earrings. It was nice to see all the handmade crafts. Anyway, for lunch we went to TGI Fridays, which was wonderful. Lastly, we went to see New Moon in English, which was a priority for us. :) It was a great day!
Me and my Toffee Nut Latte!
The flea market in Pza Espana.
Amy and I enjoying Pza Espana.
After we had seen New Moon. These are happy faces!

I ended up staying the whole weekend with Mayuka in the pueblo of Mostoles. We traveled to Madrid (a short 10 minute bus ride) to shop, walk around the different plazas and just enjoy the environment.

Hope you enjoyed this little snippet.

Besos, Celeste


Anonymous said...

What is New Moon? Anyway another interesting story.

Love, Grandpa

Celeste said...

Hehe...Hi grandpa! New Moon is a movie based off the second book of the Twilight Saga. Meghan has read these books before. :)