Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Palenica....Valladolid's competition

Hi Everyone!

My countdown to going home is now at 7 days!!! I'm ecstatic to be home and see so many of you! And thank you to everyone (Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Lizzy, etc) for all your comments. I always read them and love to see what you think. Love to all of you!

So last Sat. Dec. 12th, Miriam, one of the history teachers, invited Amy and I to go to Palencia with her for part of the day. She had a class to teach there from 12-2, so we left Valladolid around 10.30am and then arrived there an hour later. Amy and I walked around the center of the town during Miriam's class. It was really cold, but the city itself is very beautiful, so it was nice. There isn't anything to do in Palencia, but we decided just to look around and we saw several churches and the main cathedral. All which were beautiful. They are Gothic architecture, which I love.

It was nice just to see another city in Castilla-Leon. Of all of Spain, I really love the region of Castilla-Leon the most because it is where Spanish and Spanish culture was born. Also, you see every bit of the culture all around you; the art, architecture, music, etc. It's so lovely.

In plaza mayor there was a giant manger scene, which everyone was crowded around. It was actually really nice looking and of course, baby Jesus wasn't there yet. Before we met up with Miriam again, we had a little coffee and shared ideas for Christmas lessons we are going to do with our students.

Around 2.30pm Miriam met up with us in Plaza Mayor and we went to a "meson" which is like a restaurant from medieval times (but it's just the style and layout of the restaurant). We ate some very typical castilian food, which I have forgotten the names, but one was toasted bread with tomato and garlic rubbed on top and then a slice of jamon serrano placed on top, another was beef, but a rare cut of beef with fries, salad and the other plate was a large slice of toasted bread with tomato, onion, chicken and pine nuts on top. It was a very good meal. We were there for about an hour and a half.
I found this building to be very beautiful. Notice the Spanish flag.
Amy, Miriam and me in the restaurant in Palencia.
Christmas tree! It got me itching to be home.
Amy on a very cool and modern bridge that goes over la Pisuerga river.
La iglesia de Soledad, the simplicity and smallness of this church just took my breath away.
La iglesia de San Pablo, another beautiful Gothic church.
Statues that are to represent university students-interesting.
Iglesia de San Miguel, the bell tower was incredible!!!

Around 4pm we headed back to Valladolid and Amy and I went shoe shopping. It was a very nice day. Hope you enjoy the pictures! I quite like them myself.

With love, Celeste <3


Mom said...

Your description of the Spanish food made my mouth begin to water. I have almost forgotten what it tastes like!

Anonymous said...

You might consider being a professionel photographer. Great pictures & story.

Love, Grandpa

Lizzy said...

Celeste! Where are you now? Update your blog! I like reading it! :)
