Sunday, March 27, 2011

Salamanca for the day

Salamanca: My flat mates and I decided to take a day trip to lovely Salamanca. Emily and I were hoping to see our study abroad coordinator who we had in Santander, but unfortunately she was busy (however we did run into her during lunch at a restaurant....what are the odds?!). It was a nice day trip and a great break from my normal weekly schedule. :) Enjoy the pictures!!!
Plaza of the more recognizable plazas in Spain.
Our walk towards Plaza Mayor.
Main entrance to the Universidad de Salamanca. There is a story that is told here; every student that passes through this university is supposed to find the frog carved into the facade. If the student finds the frog on their own, they pass their exams to graduate.
Look at the skull on the far right, on top of that skull is the little is incredibly difficult to find.

A view of the cathedral from the river. Also in the foreground you see a stone bull, which is written about in a classic Spanish story called Lazarillo de Tormes.
This is a statue of Lazarillo de Tormes and the blind man who he had worked for.

One side of the cathedral in Patio Chico.

A monastery that we happened upon. :)

La catedral de Salamanca.

Casa de las conchas (The shell house).
Another university building.

Hope everyone is well!

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