Saturday, June 5, 2010

Theater in the Streets and the Goodbye Lunch

This upcoming week is my last week teaching. I have had a wonderful experience at Ferrari and I love the staff I work with and the students I teach. I have learned so much about teaching English Language Learners which will help me with teaching back in California. :)

The photos below are from the previous week. The first ones are from the last Sat. in May when "theater in the streets" was in Valladolid. It is a celebration of the performing arts and all these different acts from all over Europe come to perform what they do best. One of the performances I saw with some friends of mine was called "Urban Intervention". It was absolutely fascinating. These people would run through the streets of the city (with all the onlookers chasing behind them) and contorting their bodies into different positions to, in a way, blend in with the city. It was really fun and I think you can see why from the photos.

I love the hanging man....I can't stop laughing!!!

I loved this one too...I can't believe that girl did that.

This is on the side of a church...I have NO idea how they climbed up there!
My dear friend Mayuka. :)

The Goodbye lunch was a lot of fun. The entire bilingual program staff from Ferrari plus the assistants all went out for lunch at a great Greek restaurant called Kalimera. It was so much fun and we just had a great time talking. :)
Vanesa: Geography/History, Jesus: Science, Arantxa: English
The Ferrari Bilingual Program Staff: Arantxa, Teresa, Vanesa, Myriam, Jesus, Alicia, me, Amy & Colm
Teresa: English, Jesus...again, Myriam: Geography/History, & Alicia: English
Rio Pisuerga, the large river that passes through Valladolid

I will see you all soon! I miss you all and California so much.
Lots of hugs and kisses,

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